Spring Colors with Orchids Rustic Style Bridal Bouquet


Spring Colors with Orchids Rustic Style Bridal Bouquet

Capture the essence of spring on your special day with our exquisite "Spring Colors with Orchids Rustic Style Bridal Bouquet." This enchanting arrangement is a symphony of pastel hues, featuring a delicate mix of blush pink roses, soft yellow blossoms, and the star of the show, creamy white orchids. Each flower is thoughtfully chosen to create a harmonious blend of colors and textures, resulting in a truly stunning visual display.

Priced at Rp1,950,000, this bouquet is not only a bridal accessory but a work of art. Its rustic charm is perfect for a wedding that celebrates natural beauty and understated elegance. The flowers are hand-tied with a chic ribbon, adding a touch of sophistication to the organic, free-form design.

Terms & Conditions :
- Arrangement will be customized by our designers based on package's type and tone which has been chosen by the customer.
- Type of flowers may be vary depends on their blooming season.
- Our designers have full rights to replace the chosen flowers with others type which the stock is available during that week.

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